A lifelong teller of tales, MJ Miller grew up inspired and mentored by an entertaining collection of master storytelling matriarchs. Women who could spin a yarn better than anyone. A native New Yorker and mother of two amazing women, MJ and her fabulously supportive husband share their Tucson home with their resident feline genius, Darwin. A hopeless romantic, MJ loves to tell tales filled with romance, mystery and mayhem that keep the reader turning pages long into the night.
Stay in touch! Sign up for her newsletter or just send her a note! MJMiller@mjmillerbooks.com

Phantom of Execution Rocks
Skeletons from their past are haunting their present...
is it best to leave them buried?
In the middle of the Long Island Sound stands the lighthouse at Execution Rocks. What happened there is the stuff of myths and legends. It is said that every so often residents can see the image of an abandoned ship, sails billowing, silently gliding past the lighthouse. A ghost ship some say.
"An enjoyable and intriguing novel that will keep readers engaged until the final page." — Kirkus Reviews

Coming Soon from Scarsdale Publishing
Secrets & Lies: A Luckland Ladies Mystery
"Devon Marks, the excruciatingly annoying intensely good-looking bane of my existence, had just announced he’s staying at my place. For a few days. This while I am being terrorized by a Vegas stalker with atrocious penmanship and my mom’s relatives are scattered all over Luckland."
Pippa O'Leary